The Journey to Self-Regulation and Healing
Self-regulation and healing demands a courageous confrontation with the way our past experiences affect our brain’s safety network. Beneath the surface of every reaction, we must acknowledge how our physical beings serve as the archive of past traumas, encoding learned responses to similar stimuli. Whether it's seeking indulgence for comfort, pursuing fleeting pleasures for validation, cocooning ourselves in isolation for safety, or preemptively fleeing the good to protect ourselves from potential pain, our minds craft elaborate strategies to shield us from perceived threats. And man, does it work, until it doesn’t! Suddenly, we find ourselves in autopilot, dodging harsh conditions and flying further from our intended destination with each passing moment.
It's crucial to carve out space for self-compassion in times of dysregulation. Attempting to shove emotions aside merely postpones their reckoning. (Trust me, I've tried. And tried again. And again.) Pushing away uncomfortable feelings is a hardwired pattern of mine that I am still in the process of reprogramming. It takes a lot of vulnerability, patience, and often times a lot of support. I’m comfortable with 1/3 of those requirements. I often struggle with patience as I want things to improve and progress quickly. I also find it really difficult seeking help in times I need it most, wrestling with the fear of feeling or appearing inadequate or weak. But armed with self-awareness, I confront these discomforts head-on while dismantling these fears and avoidant patterns that have long outlived their usefulness.
It's imperative to construct new physiological responses to triggers.
By engaging our parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) during moments of dysregulation, we introduce our brains and bodies to an improved coping mechanism. Through this deliberate activation of the PNS, we cultivate safety, empowerment, and clarity—a counterbalance to the chaos of stress. With consistent practice, we forge new neural pathways, anchoring resilience and composure as our default response.
Are you ready to experience transformation?
Embrace mindfulness exercises and lean on professional guidance as pillars of support on your journey to self-regulation and healing. As we deepen our understanding of the complexity of our emotions and safety networks, we equip ourselves with the tools to navigate life's trials with authenticity. Commit to your journey of self-regulation and healing. Practice mindfulness exercises regularly and seek support when you feel the most resistance towards it. By investing in your emotional well-being, you can break free from old patterns and create a path toward greater peace and fulfillment.
I can help you get there.
If you want individual coaching in this skill-building process, please email me at
Stay Salty, Friends!