Uncovering the Roots of Emotional Reactions

Do you ever find yourself swept up in unexpected waves of stress, without a clear reason why? Your chest tightens, your stomach churns, and suddenly your heart races while your patience hits rock bottom. Yet, amidst this whirlwind of emotions, the cause or trigger remains elusive.

Our emotional responses often originate from roots we seldom explore. Whether it's chronic anxiety, prickly irritability, or heightened sensitivity, these reactions often stem from buried experiences and beliefs that feel threatening to face. By delving into the origins of our emotional reactions, we gain valuable insights into the fears, convictions, and traumas steering our behavior.

If you seek to alter a behavior or pattern, it is imperative to understand the underlying fears or beliefs fueling your emotional responses.

By confronting the past and addressing the underlying causes of our symptoms we can begin to reprogram our thoughts and behaviors, paving the way for lasting change. Without the conscious awareness and intention to forge a new path in response to our triggers, our brains default to conserving energy by resorting to familiar pathways. The result? A repetitive cycle of anxiety, fears, and conflicts, replaying like a broken record before our minds can even consider an alternative route.

But not you. Not anymore!

Embrace mindfulness exercises such as the "Remote Control Exercise" linked below to uncover the roots and foster a sense of safety in replacement of your current emotional responses led by fear. The more you lean into these exercises and practice these techniques, the more your brain will learn how to create safety and self-regulation in times of crisis or stress. Seek guidance from coaches or counselors to accompany you on your voyage of self-discovery and healing. With steadfast patience and introspection, you can cultivate a profound understanding of yourself and transform your emotional reactions.

Click here to access the "Remote Control Exercise", a step by step process discovered by Laura Duncan that brings comfort and healing to the body and mind during states of dysregulation. While the body is experiencing any level of crisis or dysregulation discussed above, this exercise is a self-guided technique to teach the body an alternative route to avoidance. This exercise will guide you in reprograming the way your body responds to perceived threats before reacting irrationally.

If you want individual coaching in this skill-building process, please email me at allie@staysalted.com

Stay Salty, Friends!


The Journey to Self-Regulation and Healing


The Power of Knowing Your Starting Point